When I was a teenager, it did not take very much to make me cry. Seriously, I cried all of the time. If someone told me that I had a stain on my pants, I would cry. If my mom told me that something I said was out of line, I would cry. And then I would cry because I was crying about something so ridiculous. And you know what a big part of the problem was?? Hormones. Freaking hormones. I am not kidding when I tell you that in the past 10 years or so, I have cried maybe a total of 10 times. (Okay, caveat to that statement...mushy movies totally do not count. Watching The Notebook, Steel Magnolias, Beaches, etc...will make me cry every.single.time I watch them) But those 10 times were when I wasn't pregnant.
When I am pregnant, I cry at the some of the silliest things. I become uber paranoid that people don't like me, I think the Hubs is ready to leave me at the drop of the hat. Basically, I am a hot mess. And I'm just NOT an emotional person normally. I have been told that I act more like a guy than a girl sometimes. Until those pesky hormones kick in and I just feel like I can't control my emotions at all!! And along with not being able to control my emotions, I also seem to want to eat everything in sight. Some people might think, "Just don't eat so much." But that's just plain ridiculousness. Because, hello?? I buy food to eat, not to sit in the fridge. So now, I'm emotional, fat, and lugging around emotional love-handles, which is super-exhausting. So I sleep. A LOT!!
And now I'm thinking: I can't wait to have a newborn around. The sleeplessness, crankiness, never-ending diaper changing is going to really be a welcome relief. Seriously, this may be the hormones talking, but I'm super psyched about having so much more to do than just blobbing it out on the couch. Because even though I can't wait to leave work after dealing with emotional preggos for 12 hours at a time, I can't stop watching baby shows on TV. Oh, and on top of all of that?? Thanksgiving is next week. I certainly hope my family members aren't planning on taking any leftovers home, because those are mine. Because I'm pregnant. And I'm hungry, and I might cry if someone eats so much food that I can't gorge myself for a week after Thanksgiving.