Whoever said boys were easier to potty-train than girls was absolutely right. Punkin-head had a rough start, but he was in his big boy underwear all day and night in less than a month. We took it pretty easy on Baby Girl, but started introducing her to the wonderful world of the toilet at about 18 months. She turned 3 in December, and the battle still rages on.
You name a technique, and we've used it. I have bribed her with gifts, candy, privileges, stickers, a pony. She doesn't care. We've completely stopped trying for months at a time, and it's like she forgets what a toilet even looks like when we start again. We put her on the toilet every hour whether she has to go or not, and she started to think she was being punished. Literally screaming her head off, "I DON'T HAVE TO GO POTTY!!" So when she came up to us a couple weeks ago, acting very frantic, and said, "I have to go potty, I have to go potty," the Hubs picked her up and ran with her to the toilet to make sure she made it on time. And she totally did!! How exciting!! She's initiating the need to go to the big girl toilet, and we are so close to getting her out of diapers.
Bwahahaha!! Silly parents. A couple times a day she does her frantic potty cry, and she likes to wear her big girl panties, but there are still times she tells us she has to go, only to get on the toilet and say, "But I don't have to go potty!!" In fact, the only thing that has been urging her on is the fact that she doesn't want to wear diapers like the new baby. But that doesn't stop her from going off into a corner and pooping in her big girl panties. We sadly had to say goodbye to Sponge Bob and Dora this week because she decimated them with some seriously disturbing bowel movements. I wouldn't put it past Baby Girl to be wearing a diaper to Kindergarten. For real.
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